Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Lone Heads are the Worst Part

My car is a testament to my life. It should be a part of my life that transports myself and certain items from one destination to another. However, it is more often than not, just purgatory for my stuff. Things go in and then things just stay there. I recently moved into a third story apartment with winding stairs of death and no elevator, and this is only exacerbating the problems in my car.

Now every minutia item I have to bring up from my car feels like I’m carrying Frodo to the top of Mount Doom. This has lead to a collection of rather odd items piling up in the front passenger seat (read: the final loading dock) of my car. These items include, but are not limited to:

A book of coupons for homeowners
2 leather coats
An expired bag of Twizlers (I didn’t know they could expire either)
A bag of smelly roller derby gear
2 bald mannequin heads
A set of WW2 DVDs
A turkey roaster
And a completed puzzle of a white tiger sitting on top of the earth, surrounded by purple clouds

I can only assume that those fortunate enough to peer into the depths of my car will think I’m preparing for a dinner party with imaginary friends, or that I’m about to host a dashing cloak-and-dagger prison break for my jewel thief friends who didn’t make away like I did.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Once again

Where to start? Well for one, this whole blog is a lie.

I’m sorry to those that have followed me faithfully (which as of now is no one) and are let down.

From the outside this blog was designed to look like the chronicle of a mild adventure / challenge to live without a car for a year. That is partially true, I lived without a car for a whole year. It was, contrary to what I would have liked to project, because I got a speeding ticket and didn’t have insurance and lost my license for that amount of time.

Unable to live with the stigma of someone who I would have judged if I weren’t me, I started a blog as a cover. If anyone asked why I was suddenly ditching my car for a bike in a Midwest state where it’s winter 7 months of the year, I would just say I was going green or starting a blog about it or not eating meat anymore, or all of these.

Although, I’d like to say that creating a bog to cover up an indiscretion was pretty clever on my part.

I obviously didn’t keep up with the façade as you can see the last post before this was more than two years ago. But since I have already created this blog, and I’m too lazy to make an entirely new one to start fresh, I thought I should explain the early entries.

I have been inspired by a fellow blogger to re-start blogging and if nothing else, get a little creative exercise daily….or weekly.

I feel that it is important at this juncture to inform you that I have extremely long arms. Abnormally long actually. Most long-sleeved shirts I buy only go about ¾ of the way to my wrist. It’s a burden.

For the record, I did ride my bike May through December to my two jobs. Most of the reason I rode it well into the winter was because I had been told the public bus was full homeless people. When the winter weather got the best of me and I had to give in and buy a bus pass I found out that the bus is not only full of homeless people, but also crazy and smelly people. It was exciting to say the least