Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Actually, I'm not that impressed by sliced bread

So many, many changes this week. First, I should say how very much I love Craigslist....I love it very much. I sold my car on Craigslist after a measly two days. And in the same afternoon, bought a new mattress and unloaded my old one- which is completely beside the point.

Later that same day: Bought a used bike.

My new ride is an all-terrain Pacific Legend. A generic, 120$ bike I would have bought new at a Wall Mart or Target. I bought it for 29$ at Goodwill. I bought a bunch of fancy, expensive Schwinn accessories that night, most of which I took back today because they were useless and poorly made.

I have a compulsive need to name cars, this has carried to my bike....names, names. My first car, a Mitsubishi 3000GT, was named Sheila. I loved that car, more than Craigslist. Six cylinders roaring to life inside a sleek black body. I could hit the gas at a stoplight and soar in front of the starting line. And there lies one of my larger challenges in putting down the car and picking up the bike: I actually love cars. But more on that later. Second car was Lii (short for Lima Bean) and that was the Celica I just sold.

OK, Daphne? Elvira? Tyche (tee-chee)! I think that's the one.

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